Standardized the look of the grey info boxes on all pages. Included jump menus to most pages for a better mobile experience / consistent function from page to page.
Record: Single Season (Team) - Eliminated the "Classic Records" section by combining classic and modern wins. Added Overall Points (Classic) to the list of record options.
Past League Champions - Added in List and Gallery view option. Gallery is the more feature-rich view with pictures, full team member listings, links to series/season results, etc. List view is intended to give a better view of year-over-year results.
Past Season / Playoff Results - Added in ability to display both Pool / Single Elimination playoff results.
All Players List - Broke the list into columns to better display on desktop browsers.
Administrative Updates:
Updated Rules / Website to reflect changes to scheduling format
Updated Database Information to reflect more detailed playoff options.
Previous: Y and N - Used season weeks to determine what point in the playoffs we were (eg. Week 21 = Quarterfinals).
Current: QF(1-4 or Blank), SF(1-2 or Blank), F - Allows for more accurate DB calls and more granular filtering options if we ever need to view all B flight Finals results at once.
Coding Updates:
Upgraded to PHP 8.1
Adjusted core logic for all scheduling and standings pages due to increase in series length.
Previously all scheduling and standings were based on week numbers (eg. Series 2 is Weeks 6 to 10).
Added in a Series column in the DB to allow for more dynamically sized series lengths. Now all logic just looks for what games are part of that series.
Dropdown menu's are still "hardcoded" in that they max at Series 4 + Playoffs.
The TURBO NERD Update!
Games: Added support to view / filter every game played in the open league (BYE's filtered out)
Scoring: View scoring stats per year. Builds off the general league stats to breakdown information on a per year basis.
Added / Re-Designed the following pages:
Built in Support for both Single Elimination Brackets and Round Robin / Pool Play type playoffs.
Removed Team Stats being listed beside all team names. It was excessive and just made the page load slower.
Added Playoff re-directs to Schedule and Standings pages.
Bug Fixes / Tweaks from 5.0 Update:
Updated the footer on "short" pages to always stick to the bottom of the screen.
Standardized the look of "drop-down enabled" grey-alert boxes to drive attention to the box and not the written text.
Added in pre-season / no information filler on pages like Team List, Standings, and Playoffs. Disappears once the page has content.
Added "Stoplights" to schedules as a visual indication for wins and losses.
Re-worked Previous Skip vs Skip results on the Team Page.
Made slight adjustments to the main landing page to bring more attention to contact information.
Admin Section: Updated the WYSIWYG system to CKEditor
Migrated site from a custom framework to Bootstrap 5 in order to provide better mobile support and improved functionality in-line with modern websites.
Upgraded from PHP 7.1 to PHP 7.4
Removed excess/deprciated code
Removed a lot of reliance on hardcoded or assumed values (eg. the site now detects what flights are present per season rather than it being a defined value)
Fixed bug causing all "two word" team names to be sorted by the second word. A. Smith sort by Smith, A. is intended - Maple Leafs sorted by Leafs, Maple is not.
Added in long-missing 2009-2010 Playoff game results. This may result in some VERY slight adjustments on team and lifetime stats.
New Design Language:
In general trying to lighten the look of the site with fewer / lighter bolds and thick lines.
Simplfied a lot of the pages; many previous pages were "overdesigned" and ended up messy or complicated.
Simplied a lot of the administrative work to require less manual intervention for a desired look
Added more consistent linking (eg. links to team pages whenever available) and cross-linking to many of the statistical elements of the site (eg. Viewing Past Champions also lets you quickly jump to view season/playoff results).
Added / Re-Designed the following pages:
Rules & Changelog
Re-organized information and added in a Table of Contents
Team List
Switched to Table Layout
Added clickable links for all individual players and teams
Team Page
Cleaned up Scounting Report and Head-to-Head Skip Records
Added additional stats to Head-to-Head Records: Games played and % Total (number of games played against that team compared to total number of games played)
Larger and more relaxed game schedules
Removed coloured results in favour of standard link colour
Larger and more relaxed standings
Largely improved the programming logic to be more flexible with varying Flight combinations
Past Season Results
Now Mobile-friendly
Added in full Playoff Results
Added a jump menu to select Series/Year results
Past League Champions
Re-designed to focused on flexibility of varying Champion options
Added "Regular Season Champions" as an option
Added a jump menu to view individual years
Improved Mobile-viewing experience
Past Series Winners
Re-designed to focus on clarity of information (clearer viewing per flight, clearer viewing for streaks/trends)
Added a jump menu to view individual years
Added in historical records from 1998-2009
General League Statistics
Re-designed to focus on information and improve mobile experience
Added a handful more statistics
Records - Single Season (Team)
Added Points Against Per Team - highlighting teams with the lowest average points against per game
Individual Lifetime Records:
Total Redesign of the page. Goal to provide more of a reason to view the page.
New Lifetime Stats: Active Seasons, Games Played, Series Wins/Ties, Avg Points / Wins / Losses Per Season
Highlight Seasons in which a championship was won
New Section: League FAQ
I often get the same questions about why certain things are done, so this section is intended to provide some transparency and insight into league choices / decisions as well as some insight into potential league changes / adjustments.
Version 4
Administrative: Language adjustment - Switched all instances of "Flyte" to "Flight"
Administrative: Cleaned up the Rules section for added clarity
Coding upgraded from PHP 5.4 to PHP 7.1 due to PHP 5 end of life.
Administrative: Language adjustment - Switched all instances of "Session" to "Series"
General League Stats: Expanded to include D and E Flyte information
Removed Social Media section
Records and Stats Section
Renamed the Record and Stats pages to make them clearer and more consistent
Added "General League Statistics" page - A General Interest collection of league stats for those who may be interested in data collected since 2009
Fixed a bug on the "Find by Player" list that caused players to be displayed in non-alphabetical order on mobile devices
Adjusted the look on the "Players (All-Time)" page to make it cleaner and display additional information: Last Season Played, and a breakdown per season.
Playoff Section
Removed visual brackets and replaced with a text based schedule, similar to regular season schedule look and feel
Added regular season stats for each team (W-L-Pts)
Modularized the code to all it to be historically viewable in the future
Improved sorting on the Teams/Players page. Teams are now sorted by last name, regardless of first initial (eg. Team Z. Allan is now listed before A. Zebra or Smith)
Re-added Past Session Winners. Page now has a refreshed look that matches the rest of the site and works on all devices properly.
Added Title Sponsor logo to main header.
Administrative: Adjusted and clarified rules to include a 4th draw time for Thursday @ 9:00PM in the event of having more than 31 teams.
Administrative: Added page to make printing the schedule simpler and cleaner.
Re-worked how BYE's are displayed on the website
Added clearer indications on all schedules (schedule page, front page, team page) when a team is scheduled for a BYE.
Made the "BYE" team unclickable so that you won't be taken to a non-existent team page. A BYE game is still displayed as a 2-1 win with appropriate colouring.
Fixed a bug on historical team pages that wouldn't let you search other teams from the same season.
Added a link on the Individual Lifetime Record page that lets you view detailed team information for each season.
Minor graphical adjustments/additions.
New Graphical Overlay
Created new logo consistent with DV Curling Branding
Re-wrote entire CSS system in order to optimize usage
Styling is now VERY consistent from page to page
Switched to Web Fonts to keep the viewing experience the same between devices
Re-designed site to be mobile and tablet friendly
Site now uses a responsive design style which adjusts to a multitude of screen sizes - no more zooming!
On iOS devices, the website can be added to the homescreen and operate as an App
Moved / Upgraded the hosting to a more modern server to increase responsiveness
Re-Designed the following pages:
Embedded sponsor logo within the site rather than as a background image
Embedded link to the DVCurling Facebook Page
Removed rotating images of past champions - this will likely return in the future
Removed "Meet The Team"
Removed "Whats Happening at DV" - the Facebook link accomplishes the same thing
Adjusted the mini-schedule to only show the upcoming week's games rather than rotate through
Past Champions
Adjusted look to be more consistent with the Open League picture frames
Adjusted look for less scrolling and larger pictures
Team List
Adjusted look from a table to small boxes for clarity (literally the first page built in v1.0 and this is the first change)
Schedule / Results
Changed look to a simpler and more condensed format - makes it easier to use on multiple sites and to print
Cleaned up the general look and feel of the standings
Moved Overall Points (P) to the left side of the team name
Added Current Flyte (CF) to the Overall Standings
Removed Points Back (PB) from Overall Standings - Added unnecessary complexity to the table
Team Page
Version 3
Adjusted scheduling boxes on Team Page to shrink text to better fit teams with long names
Changed Header - Logo is now built into the background. Team picture no longer rotates but contains more information. Clickable to see larger picture
Added New Page to Statistics Menu Category - Past Seasons Standings
Added ability to view previous season standings (1998-current)
Added ability to view previous season team pages (2010-current)
Moved Player/Team List to "Current Season" Menu category
Speed optimizations on Individual Lifetime Records page
Adjust general graphical feel of all pages
Redesign of the Past Champions page to include pictures
Redesign of the Schedule page to make it easier to read/follow
Added auto-updating playoff brackets viewable throughout the year
Playoff session now added like a standard session
Added minor graphical enhancements
Improved visual consistency from page to page
Re-wrote, updated and formatted rules
Fixed bug that caused the wrong extention to be placed on ranks (ie. 2th)
Fixed bug that caused schedules to be reversed if a week of games were played in two separate months (ie. 31-Jan and 01-Feb would display Feb first)
Fixed bug that caused three-way ties for a session win to appear as a scheduled game
Increased Season Leaders to Top 10 from Top 5
Increase All-Time Records (Ind) to Top 50 from Top 30
Re-implemented Longest Winning Streak functionality to Season Leaders page
Replaced all instances of "Highest Points For" with "Highest Points per Game"
Major redesigns of following pages:
Front page
Added "Meet the Team"
Added sponsor logos in the sidebar
Reformatted the scheduling ticker
Added "recent news" at the bottom of the news section
Schedule / Results
Combined the Results and Schedule pages
Added the ability to look back at previous sessions, elimating the need for results page
Winners and losers are much more clearly shown
Added the ability to look back at previous session standings
Moved the legend to a clickable button rather than always being displayed
Added a ranking tracker which displays your overall rank difference from week to week
Added tracker to count how many points back you are from the Playoff flyte leader
Added stars to indicate if you won a session (more stars = more session wins)
Changed general look of the standings
Team Pages
Removed graph
Redesigned and moved player list and team rankings to the header
Redesigned the schedule/results to make them more functional and visually appealing
Added the "scouting report" which displays your next opponents rankings and past head-to-head results
All-Time Records (Team)
Re-implemented Longest Winning Streak
Removed Highest Points Against
Highlighted any teams that are from the current season in order to better identify them
Added a written records and performance section to identify one-off records and highlights
Cleaned up overall layout
Version 2
Added List of Past Session Winners
Updated General Visual Style of all pages
Team page
Added Team Rankings
Added Standings for the flyte your team is seeded in
Improved the look and feel of the schedule/results
Added Dynamic Charts to show overall points of teams in your flyte
Individual Pages: Made the individual seasons display vertically rather than horizontally
Added Dynamic Charts
Re-organized the menu structure
Adjusted Season Statistics and All-Time records for access speed improvements
Version 1
Added news archive
Added playoff section
Added ability to see season session winners
Removed Win Streak functionality from the League Records Page
Fixed Longest Win Streak Record not updating properly.
Adjusted Team Page to always display the active team on the left hand side of the results.
Fixed issue with loss points not showing up.
Added ability to track Session Winners.
Added Session Winner bonus point distribution.
Speed optimizations on Standings, Individual Stats Page, and Records page.